Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Naval Air Base B.O.Q.

Saceist and I first visited the Naval Air base a few weeks ago, and when he asked me to make a return trip, the answer was obviously yes. 
This time around, we checked out the old B.O.Q. Building. The building was a mix of housing and recreation, including dozens of bedrooms, two bars, dance floors, and a pool table. There was an awesome array of natural decay inside, which must have come from a leaky roof, since most of the windows were still intact.  
After shooting the B.O.Q. Building, we decided to go check out the two control towers on the base. We decided since there was active construction going on down the runway, we might be able to drive right up the airstrip to shoot them. About halfway there, we saw security, cruising around in his own vehicle way down the runway. We knew he'd seen us, so we decided to stay outside and shoot some exteriors. After a few minutes, security pulled up and politely asked us to leave. So we did. With a trail of dust behind us. 
Another awesome trip to the air base.

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