Monday, February 6, 2012

Amusing Day: Rocky Point Park

Rocky Point is a place that holds some of my earliest memories, so to get back to the area, even for the little that's left was a really good time. For years I'd been hearing from everywhere that everything at Rocky Point had been demolished back in 2003, so I never bothered to check. 
While climbing around on The Comet roller coaster the other day at Lincoln Park, CJ's friend mentioned something about how we should check out Rocky Point one day. I pretty much laughed in the kids face, telling him there was nothing there. He was a persistent prick though, insisting there was still stuff to be seen. After we finished shooting Lincoln Park, we headed towards Rocky Point, so I could prove him wrong. 
We arrived at the ocean, and sure as shit, Ian was right(I admit it man). While most of the amusement park was dismantled and demolished, there is definitely still stuff to be seen. The two largest buildings:  The Shore Dinner hall,  and the palladium are both still standing, as well as many ghosting memories of the former amusement park. Piles of debris where games and stands once were litter the midway, and you can still see the foundations and pieces of some of the rides, including the old Flume and the Skyliner.
Police do actively patrol the park inside the fence, as I was lucky enough to find out with a nice name running, a Q&A, and a guided tour out of the park in the back of his cruiser, and a handshake from Officer Friendly.
A wonderful end to a day of amusement.


  1. Ryan, I share with you the pains of what use to be, I also grew up across the bay from Rocky Point and use to visit it often in my early teens. I was in RI some time ago and had asked my Sister who still lives there about Rocky Point, and was told it was ' all torn down '. Your pictures clearly show, that it was left to ruin, such a sad way for a once great place to meet it's demise... Thank you for you time and efforts and the trip down memory lane. Fred Snyder..

  2. Ryan, I share with you the pains of what use to be, I also grew up across the bay from Rocky Point and use to visit it often in my early teens. I was in RI some time ago and had asked my Sister who still lives there about Rocky Point, and was told it was ' all torn down '. Your pictures clearly show, that it was left to ruin, such a sad way for a once great place to meet it's demise... Thank you for you time and efforts and the trip down memory lane. Fred Snyder..

  3. Glad you enjoyed them, man. I'd been hearing for years that it was all torn down as well. One day, while out photographint the old Lincoln Park in Dartmouth(See next post), we decided to head down and give her a looksee.
