Monday, May 28, 2012

Nam Car Graveyard

I found this place by accident while hiking home from another location. I saw a dirt driveway, blocked with a log, with multiple no trespassing signs. I was curious as to what was down the driveway, so I trespassed. 
Down a long, overgrown driveway, I found a giant car graveyard. Due to the large number of military vehicles, it almost reminded me of scenes I'd seen in movies about Vietnam, so I'm calling it the Nam Car Graveyard.  The fog worked with me for the most part, making this easily one of the more interesting spots I've shot in a while.


  1. Obsessed with that Bel Air <3 Determined to find this place in my hometown. A friend of mine says a property on that street was fined for environmental reasons & the vehicles were removed. Hopefully it wasn't this place.
