Monday, May 7, 2012


Saturday was Abandoned Dreams' semi-annual CincoDrainMayo event. Most people bailed out last minute as the forecast was calling for rain, but Turrel, Cambria, Clahhhkie, myself, and a fan from Barcelona(SocLa) that was in country on a fellowship decided to follow through with our plans anyways. Since there's no draining when it's raining, we decided to head to the EastSide Rail Tunnel instead, so we could keep the event underground. 
After a few hours, we decided to head to the Erection Bridge to finish off the event outdoors. The sun had come out while we were underground, and it seemed like the right thing to do.
We got fairly drunk underneath Providence that day, but no one hurt themselves, burnt themselves, puked, or fell off the bridge and into the water. It was a good day.


  1. Looks like a great time guys!

  2. It absolutely was. You'll have to make it down for one of our events.
