Tuesday, July 17, 2012

BackWash Tidal Drain

As stated in the last post(Gerv's Steel Mill), CJ and I went to maine to visit the founder of UE Magazine, Gerv. He told us about a local tidal drain he'd played in a few times, so we decided to check it out. I'd never messed with tidal drains before, mainly cause I was too lazy to look up tidal charts to ensure I didn't die. Gerv, on the other hand was smart enough.
 I led the way in, noticing eels, and crabs moving around in the small stream of water trickling down the middle of the drain. I never drained with so much wildlife before. 
Ahead of us, we could hear a loud flow of water, so I knew there was a waterfall ahead at some point. I expected it to be a small flow of water, running over a slanted ledge, like the drains I'm used to, but what we found was a 10 foot tall waterfall of CSO. We did our best to shoot it, in the cramped conditions, while being covered in a constant mist from the falls and headed back out into the sunlight. 
Totally worth it.
You can find Gerv's photos and write up from the trip here on his blog:



  1. I had a great time man! You got some awesome shots. Looking forward to meeting up again soon for some down and dirty draining. Cheers bro.

  2. Love the giant sperm swimming with the eels! Great shots sorry I missed meeting you !

  3. It's cool. If you're who I think you are, we'll be meeting real soon anyhow
