Monday, June 25, 2012

Some New Tunnels

I got out of work to a text from CJ that simply stated "I'm picking up Dimitri. Tunnels?" and the answer was obvious. 
We started off in search of a tunnel he'd semi-scouted, but didnt enter from the night before. We'd all heard of these tunnels, but none if us had actually ever looked for them. Upon arrival and entry we found it was only 200' long and almost completely empty. I assume some kind of wine cellar or something from the past. 

We next set off in search of a mystery abandonment on top of a steep ass hill that Dimitri knew about. It didn't exist.
CJ knew of some potential drains in the area, so we headed that way. What we found were these two, what I assume are, millrace tunnels that would have once had water flowing through them powering a mill above. We only had like 20 minutes to check out the two, so I rushed all these photos. We'll get back and shoot them properly soon.

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